Pupdate Hunter

This past year has flown by! My sweet Hunter has settled in with us nicely and gets along great with the family dogs. He is quick to train and learn, and will do whatever it takes to get a treat. My favorite “trick” from him is when...

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Pupdate on Ainsley

Adoption Pupdate!! Dr Williams is very happy with the progress Ainsley has made… she’s even growing hair on her belly! We’ve discovered some grain free food options that she likes (as well as her brothers) so the transition has...

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Alum Batey

Happy Adoptiversary to Batey:We were just talking about it being almost a year since Batey joined the family. She is an absolute joy. She loves Archie, her fur brother. She is most closely bonded with my husband. She is his shadow. They take...

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Alum Falkor

Jan. 12 has become one of our favorite days as it marks our adopting of sweet Falkor! Today is his two year adoptaversary smile emoticonJust wanted to check in with you all and thank you again for all of y’all’s help in finding our...

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Alums Pumkin & Missy

Happy New Year! from alums Pumkin & Missy in Alaska! Pumkin continues to get more of a personality each day. She bounces up and down in the morning run back and forth to us wanting to play chase around the house. Missy is her same ole...

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