

Morgan-2 Morgan-3 Morgan-4 MorganWell clearly my web page has been hacked because no one has come to adopt me and I know my furever family is out there looking for me! I’ll tell you about myself so y’all can find them and send them to me. smile emoticon My name is Morgan and I’m a 4-year-old goofball.

I like to be the center of attention and I love playing in my yard. I know some Cocker kids like to stay inside all day, but I love to roam and play in a nice big yard. I’m a big lovebug and I like to be silly and have fun all day. I like kids over age 12 or so and I also like other dogs, and chasing cats is lots of fun. I’m very sporty and love to learn new tricks. Will you call my family & tell them Morgan is waiting for them?

Updated 12/20/15 

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